Published on the 5th March 2019
Dashcam Technology: How can it help you?
Reading Time: 5 min read

One doesn’t buy a car and stops spending. The next step is the insurance, however, again it doesn’t stop there. We are humans and we look to buy fancy tech to make our car look better and better than the rest. Some tech gadgets make your lights or sound louder or help you drive. Some are just installed to make you feel better in the car. Not Dashcam Technology. It doesn’t offer anything when you drive. However, it does offer you a record of what’s happening when you are out of it or while you are caught in an accident and you need proof that it’s not your fault.
So let’s go through the Dashcam technology, and how can it help you.
What is a Dashcam?
As the name says, Dashcams are small video cameras and their sole purpose is to be put in front of the car to record what’s happening. Don’t be fooled by its name. Dashcams can be attached to the windshield or other places, not just the dashboard. It depends on the dashcam you purchase.
One may argue that you can use any recording device, but the purpose-built dashcams typically are just connected and run on a 12V DC (Direct Current) so it keeps recording the whole time.
Some dashcams require reading immediately before starting a new data file. It depends on how much you want to spend really. Though, that’s one way how can it help you, some can be a benefit as the user wouldn’t need to fiddle with the data before starting to drive.
The dashcam technology can be hardwired neatly into the vehicle’s electrical system or you can pay a premium for Bluetooth. Keep in mind that you would need to charge. So for once, a wire can be a blessing in disguise!
Image Source: PC World
How do they work?
Dashcam working flow is as simple as it gets. All the user needs to do is to directly wire the dashcam into the 12V electrical system. If it’s not 12V, check with someone who is knowledgeable.
Another thing that a user must keep in mind is that they have to be plugged in a power source that keeps on running or charged somehow so it can keep recording. It’s not rocket science and no it’s definitely possible. It’s done by wiring the dashcam with a circuit that is always hot and doesn’t turn off even when the car switches off.
Dashcam files can either be transferred to a solid-state storage device, flash drive, SD Card, and others. Any storage disk can hold a dashcam file for you to see the record in the comfort of your home.
Are Dashcams legal?
Always check with your country’s jurisdiction before buying. Also, it can’t always be used in court cases for your accident. It may be that in some cases and countries it isn’t admissible to show a video without the culprit knowing. That’s why there are the “Dashcams in operation” stickers. So make sure you purchase one.
Dashcam Use Cases
The easiest one is that you can show the record together with the other driver involved in the accident to peacefully settle the “who’s a fault it is” argument that happens after each accident.
Accident parts, another popular case is to record a video from one place to another to guide someone. For instance, shops use it to show customers how to get to their position from a popular landmark.
Another use case could be. Turning it around facing the people in the car, to take a video of a family trip. Or when you are taking someone for a surprise, the reaction of the individual.
Use cases are really broad, they can be used for serious matters or even for fun matters as explained.
Drive with Us
As explained in the beginning, after you buy a car you need to take care of the insurance to be able to drive your car. Read our top-notch car and motor insurance packages.
Interested in buying a new dash cam? We have teamed up with Scan who can offer you discounted prices on four different types of dash cams. All you need to do is to present your current motor insurance certificate issued by GasanMamo Insurance at the counter at Scan when purchasing your dash cam to benefit from the discount on dash cams.
A voucher of €50 will be issued to the policyholder if footage from a dash cam inside the insured vehicle is made available to GasanMamo when a valid claim under the motor policy is reported. This will be subject to the following terms and conditions.
With the dashcam explained, keep in mind that no gadget can control how to drive. It’s important to keep driving according to the country’s rules and to catch a taxi, bus or lift when drinking.
Another situation you need to be careful when you are driving is when the roads are flooded. Read our article.