Forty two employees from GasanMamo’s Head Office and Branch Network recently teamed up to participate in the first ever company-wide Sports Day. This was held on Saturday 13th April 2013 at St. Margaret College in Zejtun. Six participating teams battled it out in various games; namely 100m sprints, relays, sack races and the ever so popular Tug-Of-War. Contestants were cheered on by their families and other employees. The winners turned out to be the Yellow Team made up of Lara Barbuto, Marcon Agius, Marcel Bonaci, Michelle Peplow, Darryll Baldacchino, Philip Grima & Mark Mamo.
With mild sunshine and a gentle breeze it turned out to be a fun afternoon for all present. This event was organised by the GasanMamo Social Activities committee. This committee organises monthly ‘beyond the desk’ activities with the aim of enhancing team work and friendly interactions amongst colleagues.