Published on the 4th November 2015
GasanMamo Staff Go Bowling
Reading Time: 3 min read

GasanMamo Staff Go Bowling
On Friday 23rd October, the Social Committee group from the leading insurance company in Malta, GasanMamo Insurance, organised a social evening for all its employees, were they headed off to the bowling alley in St Julians to enjoy a great evening together. Eight teams of 5 players each engaged together and took it in turns to bowl the night away for a chance to win a prize. The team names Livin’ On A Spar, including captain Sara Jane Fenech, Gordon Axiaq, Anthony Zammit, Joseph Agius and Marija Engerer won the tournament. A gift voucher was given to each member of the winning team and another gift voucher was also given to Amanda Sciberras who got the least points in the tournament but showed sportsmanship. “I didn’t expect any gift at all and joined in just for the fun of it,” said Amanda Sciberras. “I immediately liked the idea of this event and felt that it would bring us together as a team. And it did. Although I have no bowling experience whatsoever I gave it a shot and managed to get only some points which in turn managed to win me a small gift. It was simply the cherry on the cake.”
Bowling Practiced by 100 million people
Bowling is a series of sports whereby players roll or throws the bowling ball towards a target and is a sport enjoyed by 100 million people in more than 90 countries worldwide. The sport continues to grow through entertainment media such as video games for home consoles and handheld devices. The earliest forms of bowling dates back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Roman Empire with remnants of balls used at the time found amongst artefacts in ancient Egypt dating back to 3200 B.C. Balls were made using the husks of grains, covered in material such as leather and bound with string. Other balls made out of porcelain or plastic were also found, indicating that the balls were rolled along the ground rather than thrown due to their size and weight.
About GasanMamo Insurance
Able to trace its roots all the way back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is one of Malta’s leading insurance companies providing competitively priced and a different range of insurance cover types, from car insurance and boat insurance to home insurance and health insurance for both personal and commercial clients through the Maltese Islands. The company recognises the importance of customer value and ensures that it maximizes value by keeping premiums as low as possible, yet maintaining the correct balance to provide service that meets the standards set by the company. The company’s slogan or motto, We’re Always There is something everyone abides to. The GasanMamo website offers comprehensive information to every customer and is easy to navigate so customers can get the support they need, when they need it most.