Published on the 28th August 2014
GasanMamo Insurance helps safeguard teens when driving
Reading Time: 2 min read

Turning 18 is an exciting time for anyone and represents a number of things to most people; more freedom, the right to vote and the opportunity to get a car and drive off. While the excitement for teens increases as cars are researched and lessons booked, the same cannot be said about the parents who will be looking for new ways to keep their children safe when driving.
Reducing Speeding
With several crashes involving 18 to 24 year olds caused by speeding GasanMamo Insurance has recently launched a new scheme, where drivers who fall in the 18 to 24 age bracket can install a telematics device in their car,which records the speed and distance covered by the vehicle and get a 65% discount on their car insurance. The information obtained by the device will be used to score driving performance and all a driver needs to do is to maintain a healthy score by driving cautiously and in return obtain the independence and freedom of having their car insurance in their own names whilst earning their own no claims discount from day one and giving peace of mind to parents who worry that their children are not driving safely. This should help safeguard teens.
More Information
Further information on the scheme can be obtained by visiting the boosh page or one of GasanMamo’s branches across Malta and Gozo.