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Published on the 19th December 2016

Busy Year For The Social Activities Group of GasanMamo Insurance

Reading Time: 2 min read

Corporate team building activities can be extremely beneficial and helpful in building a stronger and healthier company.

The management at GasanMamo Insurance trusts that these types of events are vital to encourage employees to work together more effectively, enabling individuals carry out their work more professionally and resourcefully.

Once again, during the course of this year, the Social Activities Group of GasanMamo organised numerous activities to build connections between employees and eventually to increase job satisfaction at work.

A Busy Year For The Social Activities Group of GasanMamo Insurance

Busy Year For The Social Activities Group of GasanMamo Insurance

“Whether it’s to increase confidence, improve unity, or reward good results, team-building exercises are supported by GasanMamo Insurance. We believe that team building is crucial in contributing towards the success of any organisation and as a business company, we target to offer stimulating and inspiring experiences to help our team to bond throughout the year,” said Vanessa Portelli, General Manager at GasanMamo.

Amongst the events organised by the Social Activities Group of GasanMamo was a Sports Day, which took place on a sunny and breezy day in April at San Andrea School, in Mgarr. Around 64 employees took part in this sports event which turned out to be a fun filled day for all those who attended and participated.

In March, a group of employees together with their families and friends, participated in a charity walk and picnic to raise awareness for the El Camino de Santiago. This event formed part of the on-going community out-reach and for GasanMamo’s employees to show their care for the community we live in.

In October, the group organised an outside laser tag event in a playful environment. Other events included a culinary day trip to Sicily and an unusual outing to the Paranormal Circus. All events helped to improve interaction between employees.

Healthy internal communication is central to the success of any company and the Social Activities Group of GasanMamo is already working on forthcoming team-building events for the coming year, with the main goal of enhancing team work and friendly relations amongst colleagues.