Published on the 8th March 2016
What you can do now that you are 18!
Reading Time: 3 min read

Turning 18 is one of the big milestones in a young person’s life. From country to country, the age of 18 means different things, in Malta, there are many things you can do now you are 18.
Malta as an island is car crazy! Now you have turned 18 you can join in the fun, pass your driving test and you no longer have to rely on your parents or the bus. After saving up for driving lessons, a driving test and then your first car the final item you need to purchase is car insurance.
Boosh, 18-25 car insurance provides excellent cover for those who purchase first-time car insurance. Make sure you are covered for any journey you take, whether it is going to work or a road trip with your friends to Sicily.
Whether your journey in life takes you to further education or employment, the opportunity to go to university is a privileged one. At the age of 18, you can choose to extend your studies either here in Malta or abroad.
Some students are still turning 18 during the first year of University but 18 is the age you will have completed your first year of study. University not only expands your education but provides you with life skills unavailable in other parts of life, you make life-long friends and develop into an independent adult.
Another Maltese passion is politics. No matter what or who you vote for, voting is a large part of Maltese culture with nearly all of the country turning up at the polling stations to cast their vote. At the age of 18, you can legally join in with the rest of the country.
Regardless of what is being put into motion, national election, European election or national campaigns, like last year’s bird hunting motion, you can now vote. In other parts of the world, not everyone has the right or chance to cast their vote on what happens in their country so it is important that you take the privilege you are given.
If you choose not to extend your studies you may choose to travel. Although this can be done at any age once you have left school you can experience the world by taking a road trip, studying abroad, finding a job abroad or travelling to different places, destination by destination.
The age of 18 as mentioned in the beginning means different things in different countries so be sure to check before you travel what you are allowed to wear before you head off. You do not want to be locked up in America for drinking underage!