Published on the 30th June 2015
The Health Benefits of Eating Fish
Reading Time: 3 min read

Fresh fish surrounds Malta, once caught, it can be on our plates the same day! How fresh this product can be is possibly something we take for granted. Living on a small island, there isn’t too far for the fish to travel before it reaches us. As well as being extremely tasty, eating fish also offers many health benefits. We explore why it can be so good for you!
Omega 3 Fats
When educated about the health benefits of eating fish, omega 3 fats or omega 3 fatty acids are usually the first point of discussion. Unlike meat products, fish are not high in saturated fat. Omega 3 fats are beneficial for your heart, they can decrease the risk of arrhythmias, lower blood pressure, and benefit people at risk of cardiovascular disease.
How Does Eating Fish Change Your Health?
Fish are also high in protein which helps repair and restore the body. High in vitamin D, which can help boost our immune system, as well as vitamin B2, which contributes to building red blood cells, breaks down fats, proteins and carbohydrates and can give you more energy. Fish also contains minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium, all beneficial to a healthy body.
Local Maltese Fish
Local fish available to Malta include Amberjack, Atlantic Horse Mackerel, Chub Mackerel, European Hake, European Seabass, Gilthead Seabream, Ray, and Saddled Seabream. This abundance of fresh fish gives the opportunity for different recipes and dishes. It is recommended that you should have at least two portions of fresh fish a week, and with the different types available, you will not be bored of the same dish!
Sustainable Fishing
‘There’s plenty more fish in the sea’ is a common phrase we hear, but unfortunately, around the world, illegal or unsustainable fish farming means that fish are not farmed correctly, causing devastating effects on the environment.
As part of the EU, Malta fish farming takes part in the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy, this means that ‘fishing and aquaculture are ecologically, economically and socially maintainable and that they offer a foundation of healthy food for EU populations.’
Exploring the bounties of nature can often lead us to incredible discoveries about our health and well-being. The myriad benefits of consuming fish stand as a testament to the wonders that the natural world provides.
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